Information on all the types of lymphangiectasia, including intestinal, pulmonary, renal, cutaneous (skin). Sponsored by Pat O'Connor

Friday, December 21, 2007

Immunohistochemical studies in a hydroptic fetus with pulmonary lymphangiectasia and trisomy 21.

Immunohistochemical studies in a hydroptic fetus with pulmonary lymphangiectasia and trisomy 21.
Lymphology. 2007

Rutigliani M, Boccardo F, Campisi C, Bonioli E, Fulcheri E, Bellini C.
Department of Pathology (DICMI), University of Genoa, Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy.

This case report presents a hydroptic trisomy 21 fetus affected by lymphatic dysplasia with no other malformations. Our studies using CD31, CD34, smooth muscle actin, desmin, and D2-40 antibodies immunohistochemistry confirm the diagnosis of severe pulmonary lymphangiectasia associated with lymphangiectasia ih the mediastinum and small bowel.

PMID: 18062612 [PubMed - in process]
