Protein-losing enteropathy in a case of nodal follicular lymphoma without a gastrointestinal mucosal lesion.
Protein-losing enteropathy in a case of nodal follicular lymphoma without a gastrointestinal mucosal lesion.
Intern Med. 2008
Kaneko H, Yamashita M, Ohshiro M, Ohkawara Y, Matsumoto Y, Nomura K, Horiike S, Yokota S, Taniwaki M.
Department of Hematology, Aiseikai-Yamashina Hospital, Kyoto.
Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) is characterized by gastrointestinal loss of serum protein. It is usually caused by hypersecretion from a tumor, ulcer, or long standing lymphangiectasia. However, we report a 47-year-old man of peritoneal nodal follicular lymphoma who developed PLE with none of them. Oozing of whitish fluid from duodenal bulbar mucosa was endoscopically seen, resulting in continuous loss of protein. Chemotherapy was effective and PLE was rapidly diminished. Nodal lymphoma lesion was considered to disturb lymphatic flow and to regurgitate it to duodenal mucosa. To our knowledge, this is the second report of a lymphoma patient presenting PLE without a gastrointestinal mucosal lesion.
Internal Medicine
Labels: chemotherapy, intestinal lymphangiectasia; lymphoma, lymphatic flow, Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE)
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